Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Camino on the local Singapore papers


Denise Chng wrote a nice piece on the camino for the local papers here. She's now staying in Quebec, Canada.

No soft copy of the article is available online, but I did manage to locate her blog.

1 comment:

Denise CHNG Lisan said...

Dear Evan,

Thanks for writing! I am amazed you walked Camino Frances in 2006, Camino Primitivo in 2007, and Camino Via de la Plata in 2008! You are the true 'peregrino'. =)

I am looking to walk another path, and would love to hear about your experiences.

My email is

Also, I hope it's alright for me to make reference to your blog on my latest entry: Planning for the Camino.

Looking forward to connect!