Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 1


Day 1 - Pasai San Pedro

More walking to be done. At least the rain jacket is off.

Day 1 - Crossing over to Pasai San Pedro

Pay the ferryman 0.60 euro.

Day 1 - Pasai Donibane

The sun came out just when I arrived here.

Day 1 - Hondarribia

Detour to see the town. A little empty on a Monday morning. The weather also bad and raining as I walked later along the hills.

Day 1 - Irun

Simple breakfast in the albergue. Served by th hospitelero. That is
unusual, but very nice.

Day 0 - Puente Santiago

Backtrack 2 km to the bridge between France and Spain (Hendaye and Irun). A small initiation to the longer distance tomorrow.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Irun - Day 0

Albegue opens at 4pm. A bit early. Having pinchos at the bar nearby. It also started to rain. Hope it will stop soon.

On the way to Irun

Looks like I will be able to start the walk on Monday after all.

Breakfast of champions

At the ALSA bus station in Madrid early morning. I prefer the savory Churros to the sweet ones as it is closer to the 'You Tiao' back home.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Ready to go

8 kg without food or water.

Slightly heavier this time. Maybe it's my new hooded jumper.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Look what I've found.

An empty credential that Ive got from SDC after my Camino via de la
Plata four years ago for a Euro. Forgotten that I had that until now.
This means technically I can start my next Camino from any albergue or
church with just a sello (stamp).

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Leaving for my Camino de Santiago - Norte in 20 days

Test automatic post from my Camino de Santiago blog to Facebook...