Sunday, July 30, 2006

On Signs and Waymarkers

You can't get lost on the Camino. Clam shells, signs, assembled rocks, and yellow arrows adorned the whole way in the Camino Frances, especially the ubiquitous yellow arrows sprayed along side the road, pavement, trees and anything the paint can stick to.

Here are some of them that I have collected along my Camino.

The first sign I encountered right after Roncesvalles directing me to the path, away from the road.

Claim shells on the fences.

Even on the wall of this house.

Saint James (cute) outside the gate of this house.

Nice caricature above the gate with yellow arrow in the middle.

A ad-hoc one done out of wood strips and rocks.

In LogroƱo, the shells looks like a bell.

Rocks piled on top of each other. This is actually a pagan practice in the pre-Christian past where one takes a rock from one place and another to appease the pagan gods or spirit.

A gold (plated) claim shell.

This one is probably from the kind townfolks of that area.

On the paved road for peregrinos to make sure we don't walk on the highway in the background.

This sign promotes the Camino as part of the European Culture Heritage.

A yellow arrow below a claim shell on the wall of the chapel with the path on the right.

In Palencia, they have signboards promoting the places of interests along the Camino.

Another sign promoting the Camino as part of the European Culture Heritage.

This one has to remind me that I still have a long to go!

The most common waymarker. This one's a bit worn out.

Wooden Crucifix along the fence.

Arrows and shell leading the way to Ponferrada.

In the albergue at Ponferrada. The waymarkers has begun to give the distance to Santiago from here.

The yellow arrows welcoming you to O Cebreiro.

Bridge near Samos with claim shells.

This is from the 100 kilometer mark before Santiago, probably the reason why there is graffiti on this one .

Unorthodox red claim shell in Galicia (most of them are yellow). Check out ferns around the marker. You can tell this is a wet region.

And the final waymarker at Monto do Gozo (6.144 km before Santiago).

I should be able to see the cathedral from Monto do Gozo. They lied. It was blocked by trees.

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