Left Alken and cross over the river to Löf. They were harvesting the grapes. I think it is the time now. Picked a couple to eat. That's one good thing walking in autumn. Grape harvest. 😄
As usual leaving the river means up the hill. There is a pilgrim friendly house I've seen on the internet leaving stuff for pilgrims that walked by. As it is autumn, the surprise here is a bottle of snapps with shot glasses. 😮
I poured myself one, a toast to the house offering it (seems no one home) and move on. Thanks.🤗
Once up the hill, another panoramic view of another town across the river. There is a windsock, and in summer one can paraglide here.
Onward and finally saw the Eltz castle from up the hill, one of the main attraction here and also on this camino. It's hidden in the valley. A very fairy tale looking castle (Germany has too many to count) with lots of day tripper visiting. After some food on the hill's vantage point, walked down for coffee at the castle. Though the prices are dear, it's just a nice coffee to enjoy the castle up close.
Met 2 hikers there, but they are only walking for 3 days. I have not met any walkers so far and I don't think I will given the weather, time of the year, etc.
On the way out I made a wrong turn and mostly followed the crowd almost back to their cars parked on top of the other side of the hill. Cost me almost a km and up/down the hill. Found the reason as the split of the path was so close together. 😬
After going down and later another climb, a beautiful sight of Kardon appears. As usual, the last bit is a steep climb down to the town. Found the tourist office and got myself another pension at Treis (town opposite Kardon on the Mosel). It is also the way out tomorrow. Ah, so that's why it is called Kardon Treis. Twin towns across the river. I stopped the tracker at the tourist office. 21.64 km for what would be 19 km (without my mistake). Another 1.2 km cross the bridge and further down to Treis, I can finally relax for the day and have a late lunch after 2 pm. The place is 33 euros including breakfast. My other options based on the internet guide are the youth hostel or monastery (both out of the Camino Mosel path). Nah, I find that my new method to be better, by using the tourist office (since the whole Mosel valley is one big tourist attraction means tourist offices are everywhere). That means I will be lugging my sleeping bag and towel, not utilizing them. Maybe I will have a chance to use it later, but at these pension prices, a week's worth of lodging seems more than alright. Also I don't expect too many camino like albergue here, especially around this time.
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