Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Camino Vasco - Day 6 - La Puebla de Arganzón

A cold 6℃ morning which by afternoon is a nice partially sunny 16℃. A short 22 km walk on a mainly even terrain until the last 7.5 km when it is up and down a forested hill. The down is especially challenging with loose rocks in the path. A soak of the feet afterwards on a cold stream is especially refreshing. That and a flowered path we were ready for the last few km push.

The hospitalero in La Puebla de Arganzón basically sits outside the bar drinking most of the day waiting for pilgrims. Then he brings them to the albergue. I hope he is okay as he was out of breath and wheezing after just a 150 meters walk to the albergue. A little while later after a hot shower we finally we get to see two more pilgrims. Anton from Holland and Pat from Canada. They were volunteer hospitaleros at Nãjera on the Camino Frances for two weeks before deciding to walk the Vasco together. They started a few days earlier than us (a much slower pace and even an extra day in Vitoria-Gasteiz). They mentioned we are the first pilgrims they have encountered in their walk. Their are so few pilgrims walking this route that when we have to take pictures of any pilgrims we we meet, in this case over dinner. Here the cider is being replaced by wine. This is the last town in the Basque country. Tomorrow will be the the La Rioja region, one of the best wine area in Spain.

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