Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Navarrete is not a regular stop on the camino. I had to stop there after walking just 12 km from Logroño to rest my mangled feet. In terms of distance, it was the shortest that I had walked for my entire camino.

It was a good decision. In the following days, I was back to normal. My feet still hurts, but it was manageable. This town marks the end of the physical ordeal that I went through on this first week of my camino.

Exterior of La Asuncion.

The altar inside La Asuncion

A couple of Italian pilgrims taking a break.

The restaurant where I had the best pasta in my entire camino. The secret I think is in the tomato sauce. As they say, "the secret is always in the sauce".

The Irish Nighthawks (same blokes that walked up Sierra del Perdón at night) certainly think the food here is excellent. They stopped their walk here in Navarerete and will resume their camino next year from here.

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