Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 6 - Fuente de Cantos

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

The albergue here is like a parador with bunk beds. Really worth the 12€, including breakfast. This is the home town of Zubaran, but most of his works are in the Prado.

Another cold day on the via de la Plata

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

Manfried, a german pilgrim carries a thermometer. It was 10 deg in the morning and is still only 15 deg when we arrived in Fuente de Cantos.

Food Glorious Food

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

For a hungry pilgrim.

Day 5 - Monesterio

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

The weather is getting colder. After passing Sierra Morena finally into the town of Monesterio. The albergue is closed! Not only that, from the tourist info in town I found that there are 3 other albergue along Extremadura that are also closed this year.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 4 - El Real de la Jara

Only 17 km today but the next town is 20 km away in Monesterio. This is the border town. Today Andalucia, tomorrow Extremadura. The best albergue so far although you have to pay 8 euro.

Arrived around 11.30 am. The albergue has cooking facility. Can't wait till 2.30 pm to have lunch so I cooked up my version of penne a la arriabiata (thanks to someone who left some pepper corn at the kitchen) with peas and some spam for meat. Shared it with 2 other Germans and an Austrian. Normally I wouldn't even eat my own cooking, but I guess pilgrims are an easy lot when it comes to food.

A nice view from the castle on top of the hill. The albergue is the first building on the top left.

Waiting for the free internet. It's available only after 6 pm. Before that, it is use for the students in the town.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Day 3 - Almaden de la Plata

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

Getting expensive to blog this way. After today will have to wait until I can get free wifi or internet csfe. 30 km today with a very steep climb just before the town. Who says the via de la Plata is flat? The sun again is the biggest enemy and shade is rare and a premium. Too much road walking during the first of the day. Got my first 2 blisters. Nothing a needle and thread couldn't fix.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Day 2 - Castilblanco de los Arroyos

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

Bad case of the runs today. Have to let go 'Au Nature'. Lots to rest and trying to put food down. Got a long day tomorrow (30 km).

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hello shadow my old friend...

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

Day 1. The Andalucian sun is a killer! Got to Guillena 1:30 pm and all my energy zapped. Now I know why the people here take siesta. Felt better after my siesta. No albergue, hostal better than sports complex. Cheap and with own bath.

Thanks Antonio, Isabela and your family

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

For making this pilgrim so welcome at your place. It's a privilege for me to start my camino via de la Plata from your house in Sevilla.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Boy am I in trouble

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

Been having too good a time staying with my friend and his family. It will be a challenge from tomorrow to go back to basic when I start on my camino.


From the phonecam of el Peregrino

Original Roman settlement outside Sevilla. Part of the via de la Plata. Came by car with friend. No, I have not started my camino. I will bypass it tomorrow when I start my journey.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

From the top of Giralda

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

Mother of my friend's wife was told about my third camino via de la Plata.

"Three caminos? He must have done many bad things to go so many times."

Got my pilgrim passport stamped

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

Now for the serious stuff. Got the stamp today on my pilgrim passport at the cathedral. One more day as a tourist and I will be starting my camino on Friday from my friend's apartment (20 minutes walk away).

I am getting spoilt

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

Iberico pork, goat cheese and tinto verano (wine spritzer). I am not really a drinker and this is very light and refreshing.

Staying at my friend's place in Sevilla

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

My old colleage from my first job, a resident of Sevilla.

On the train to Sevilla

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

Via AVE bullet train. Madrid to Sevilla in 2.5 hours.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

At The Airport

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

My backpack mummified. 7.9 kg, including the walking pole.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Walking the Camino via de la Plata

I will be walking the Camino via de la Plata starting around the 24/25 April 2008 and ending around early June. The journey is slightly more than 1000 km from Sevilla (Seville) to Santiago de Compostela.

For those with Google Earth, you can see the actual route via the following kml file.

I've also planned to do some moblogging (mobile blogging) during the journey whenever possible, depending on the cellular coverage, costs, and hopefully some free internet wifi hotspots. For that, I will be using the Nokia e61i. No promises on how often this blog will be update. My previous post is a test of this mobile blogging.

This will be the only electronic device I will be carrying. It will my phone, camera, alarm clock, mp3 player (music and also to learn some Spanish from pre-recorded podcast) along the way.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mobile blogging test

From the phonecam of el Peregrino

I will be walking the via la Plata soon. More details later.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Photos Of Camino Primitivo

Can't believe that I have procrastinated for almost a year before having the photos published.
